Topia (2020)
In "Utopia", the statesman and humanist Thomas More designed an ideal community in 1516 - precursor to many wishful thinking for a better world. The description of a distant "ideal" society gave the impetus for the genre of social utopia. The book was so formative that from then on any novel depicting an invented, positive society was called a utopia or utopian novel. TOPIA is a demonstration of a city that is still in its infancy. It points out how our cities could potentially look like through technical innovations and social models and to what extent these possibilities are already implemented. The virtual cityscape is divided into five districts represented by five symbols. The visitor can use these to navigate through the city and to take a look into the future with reference to the here and now. By entering Topia one will get new insights about what the future might hold for us considering new city concepts. (collaboration with Stella Klump)
Information Design
The fictitious city of Topia is divided into the districts Housing, Government, Economy, Infrastructure and Society. Each of which can be used to learn more about innovations in the respective area. They are visualized on the one hand by 3D objects and on the other hand by the icons above.
The five areas are in turn divided into three levels of information: A general definition introduces the category. Three examples show which concepts and innovations could change this area in the future. Statistics and graphs shed light on the current status of developments in the respective category.
The user has three possibilities to navigate through the virtual city landscape: Using the map, the user can decide for himself which district he wants to learn more about. Within a category, arrows can be used to go to the previous or next section. The icons offer a quick navigation, which can be used to jump back and forth between the districts. The user can return to the overview at any time.
“A map of the world that does not include Utopia is not worth even glancing at, for it leaves out the one country at which Humanity is always landing. And when Humanity lands there, it looks out, and, seeing a better country, sets sail. Progress is the realisation of Utopias.”

Oscar Wilde
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